Who We Are

Greater Miami Service Corps (GMSC) is a 501 (C) (3), non-profit youth service organization, established in July 1990. The non-profit was established through the efforts of Mayor Stephen P. Clark, Congresswoman Carrie P. Meek; Miami-Dade County Commissioner, Barbara J. Jordan; AFL-CIO Representative, Marty Urra and many others. The objectives of the non-profit are to address the needs of Opportunity Youth including community service and volunteerism; involvement of young people in addressing the physical and social conditions of their community; structured, meaningful work experiences; and  “comprehensive educational” opportunities.

Young people are able to “earn while they learn” through the integration of work-based learning with academics that allow young people to contribute positively to their community while progressing towards personal, career, and educational goals.

Mission Statement

Greater Miami Service Corps “Seeks to empower young people with the tools needed to transform their lives through education and service activities that strengthen our community and local workforce.”

Core Values

Core Values are centered on maintaining a CLEAR Vision of Community, Leadership, Education, Accountability, and Respect.

Participant Benefits

  • High School or GED Completion·
  • Leadership Development
  • Workforce Development
  • Construction Certification
  • Hospitality Certification
  • Healthcare Certification
  • Internet Technology Certification
  • Post-Secondary Placement
  • Paid Work Experience
  • Employability Skills development
  • Mentoring
  • Life and Financial Skills Training
  • Group, Individual and Motivational Counseling
  • Internship and Job Placement Opportunities
  • Education Scholarships
  • Transportation Assistance

Diversity Inclusion

Greater Miami Service Corps is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace where employees, youth, and volunteers, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability, feel valued and respected. GMSC promotes an inclusive environment vital to the well-being of our employees and those served through our program.

When Communities Thrive, People Thrive.
You Have The Power To Create a Better Future!